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"Who doesn't love an overaggressive and oversized mouse with too many muscles?"  - Tael
General Info
Classification: Beast
Common Habitat: Deserts
Temperament: Hostile
Avg. Lifespan: 350 years
Avg. Size: Medium
Level of Sentience: Primitive
Nocturnal: No
Senses: Sight, Smell, Hearing
Conservation Status: Of no concern
Creature Stats
Strength: 44
Agility: 25
Stamina: 38
Intelligence: 6
Wisdom: 7
Charisma: 5
Defensive Value: 17
Base Hitpoints (+Growth): 35 (+3)
Movement Speed: 6
Combat Grade: 4

An unusually big form of mouse that only stands on their back legs and moves exclusively by jumping.


Tempuroos can exclusively be found within the hot climates of the desert. They can often be found around the various oases to rehydrate before heading out into the desert, often journeying for days before returning to the water source.


On average, about 1.4 meters high, Tempuroos have extremely well-developed back legs that they often use to kick their prey. Their tail is also quite thick as they often balance on top of it to kick with both legs at once for especially strong foes. The upper body tends to become slightly thinner, and the face is skinny with a pointed snout and long ears facing up. The females have little pouches on their bellies where they put their children for transport.


Tempuroos have developed the innate ability to withstand the chaotic timestreams of the desert. Whether it was them or Tempus himself that made this happen is still unclear to this day. They are, however, not completely immune to it, as they still feel the timestream's chaotic influence when they get close to the Peak, which they easily offset by their long Lifespan by basically face-tanking the additional aging. Tempuroos are Omnivores and basically eat anything they can find in the desert, which can cause a lot of trouble to caravans more often than not. They often hunt in groups of two to three, though some caravans have claimed to have run from up to six Tempuroos at once.

When hunting, Tempuroos usually charge straight at their foe and try to kick it prone with their back legs, at which point they will start jumping on top of it until it eventually dies. When protecting their oasis, they often try to lure the invaders into the waters, where they attempt the same strategy except that the foes will already start drowning without having to jump on them. While Tempuroos do have hands, they lack the intelligence to use them in combat.



Kicks with one leg, dealing physical Striking Damage equal to their Strength Modifier.

Dual Kick

Kicks with both legs at once, balancing on their tail. Deals physical Striking Damage equal to twice their Strength Modifier. After using this ability, the Tempuroo cannot use it again during its next turn because it is getting its balance back.

Prone Pinning

Usable on an Enemy that is currently prone. Moves on top of the enemy and prevents it from getting up, dealing physical striking Damage equal to its Strength Modifier once, and again everytime the enemy begins its turn and fails an Constitution 12 check. If the enemy succeeds the check, he will lose his prone condition and get up next to the Tempuroo. If he fails the check, he will continue to be prone and must skip his turn.