School of Magic - Necromancy

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A school of magic focused on raising and commanding the undead.

List of Spells

Grade Name Description Casting time Range Duration Focus Voice Meditate Focusing Heavy
0 Necrotic Touch Deals 1d6 Necrotic Damage to the target. Heals yourself for half of the damage dealt. Spell-Action Touch None No Yes No No No
0 Command Undead Allows you to order your undead summons around. The following commands are available:
  • Halt: Forces your undeads to stop doing anything they were doing.
  • Attack Target: Forces them to attack a specific target. They will try to reach the target at any cost. They will take slight detours to avoid obstacles, but if no clear direct path is available otherwise they will walk into walls, holes or other obstacles instead.
  • Frenzy: Allows them to freely attack any enemy they want, they will not attack you or your allies.
  • Dismiss: Dismiss and instantly kill any of your undeads that you choose.
Spell-Action Infinite None Yes Yes No No No
1 Raise Small Beast Reanimates a dead small beast. Its physical shape must still be intact. It will fight for you but can't be controlled directly. However with "Command Undead" you can force it to attack a specific target. Spell-Action 20 Meter 10 Minutes Yes Yes No No No
2 Raise Humanoid Reanimates a dead humanoid creature. Its physical shape must still be intact. It will fight for you but can't be controlled directly. However with "Command Undead" you can force it to attack a specific target. Spell-Action 20 Meter 10 Minutes Yes Yes No No No
4 Raise Medium Beast Reanimates a dead medium beast. Its physical shape must still be intact. It will fight for you but can't be controlled directly. However with "Command Undead" you can force it to attack a specific target. Spell-Action 20 Meter 10 Minutes Yes Yes No No No
5 Raise Large Beast Reanimates a dead large beast. Its physical shape must still be intact. It will fight for you but can't be controlled directly. However with "Command Undead" you can force it to attack a specific target. Spell-Action 20 Meter 10 Minutes Yes Yes No No Yes