Class - Rogue

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Minimum Stats Required: 20 Agility
Base Info
Armortypes: Leather
Weapontypes: Daggers, Shortswords, +2 Weapons of choice
Ressource: Wits
Additional Skills: Stealth, Sleight of Hand

The Rogue usually acts in the shadows and tries to either surprise or outwit their opponents.

General Info


Wits is a dynamic resource that the rogue manages during combat. It represents the rogue's mindfulness of the situation and his capabilities to adapt to it. When combat starts, the rogue automatically gains one Wit and one additional Wit if no enemy moves before him during the Initiative check. Wits can be used and gained with the following Abilities.

Gain /


Name Description Action Unlock Level
Gain Observe Collects your mind and observes the battlefield, allowing you to regain Wits equal to your Wit Generation Action + Preparation 1
Consume Opportunity Strike (Melee) Allows you to add Opportunity Damage to your next Melee Attack-Action once, consuming one Wits in the process Instant (No Action required) 1
Consume Opportunity Strike (Ranged) Allows you to add Opportunity Damage to your next Ranged Attack-Action once, consuming two Wits in the process Instant (No Action required) 1
Consume Disengage Allows you to freely move through the battlefield without triggering any Preparations. Allows you to use a bonus action to hide when possible. The Stealth check for hiding can be rolled twice and the better result can be used. Consumes one Wits. Action 2
Consume Dash Doubles your movement speed for this turn only, consuming one Wits in the process Instant (No Action required) 5
Gain Deep Breath Takes a deep breath to collect your thoughts, allowing you to regain one Wits. Action 8
Consume Evade Consume one Wits to only take half damage from area-of-effect spells once. Preparation 9
Consume Bait and Switch Allows you to switch positions with an enemy that is within your movement range, consuming three wits in the process Action 14
Consume/Gain Mock Target an enemy and attempt to mock him, consuming one Wits in the process. The target must succeed a Charisma check equal to your Charisma Modifier + 8 or become taunted for 2 turns. If the target is successfully taunted, you gain Wits equal to your Wit Generation and instantly gain another Attack-Action. Action 19
Consume Parry (Physical) Consume two Wits to increase your defensive value by 5 for physical attacks during your next Preparation. Bonus-Action 23
Consume Parry (Magic) Consume two Wits to increase your defensive value by 5 for spell attacks during your next Preparation. Bonus-Action 24


Leveling a rogue allows him to gain more ways to gain and use his Wits, as well as manipulate the people around him.

Level Features Max Wits Wit










1 Wits, Opportunity Strike, Observe 2 2 +1d6 - 1 -
2 Disengage 2 2 +1d6 - 1 -
3 Rogue's Subclass 2 2 +2d6 - 1 -
4 Bonus Action 2 2 +2d6 1 1 2
5 Dash 4 2 +2d6 1 1 2
6 Rooftop Parcour 4 2 +3d6 1 1 2
7 Subclass Feature 2 4 2 +3d6 1 1 2
8 Deep Breath 4 2 +3d6 1 1 2
9 Evade 4 2 +4d6 1 1 2
10 6 3 +4d6 2 1 2
11 A Witty one 6 3 +4d6 2 1 5
12 Luck of the Shadows 6 3 +5d6 2 1 5
13 Subclass Feature 3 6 3 +5d6 2 2 5
14 Bait and Switch 6 3 +5d6 2 2 5
15 Extra Attack Action 8 3 +6d6 2 2 8
16 Critical Eye 8 3 +6d6 3 2 8
17 Subclass Feature 4 8 3 +6d6 3 2 8
18 8 3 +7d6 3 2 8
19 Mock 8 3 +7d6 3 2 8
20 Critical Focus, Shadowbound 10 3 +7d6 3 2 10
21 Infamous Charm 10 3 +8d6 3 2 12
22 Legendary Wits 10 3 +8d6 4 2 14
23 Parry (Physical) 10 4 +8d6 4 2 16
24 Parry (Magic) 10 4 +9d6 4 2 18
25 12 4 +9d6 5 3 20

Class Features

Feature Description
Bonus Action Permanently gain a Bonus-Action after your first Action during every turn. You can use all the Generic Actions as a Bonus-Action or use it to deal an additional Attack with your off-hand weapon, if any is equipped. An Attack with the off-hand weapon cannot gain Opportunity Damage and you can not add the Scaling Attribute to its damage.
Rooftop Parcour Become skilled in the Acrobatics Sub-Attribute and increase you climbing speed by 2 meters per turn.
Extra Attack Action Permanently gain an extra Attack-Action during combat.
Critical Eye The number needed to critical hit during combat is reduced by 1.
Luck of the Shadows If your Initiative, Acrobatics, Persuasion or Deception check rolls show a number equal or less than 12 on the die, you can add one d10 to your rolled number.
A Witty one Your starting Wits in combat are now 2 or 4 with Initiative Bonus.
Critical Focus The number needed for a critical success outside of combat is reduced by 1.
Shadowbound The Rogue can no longer improve his class level unless he has at least 50 Agility or 60 Charisma and has completed at least one heroic feat recognized by the Shadow Society. Fulfilling both requirements grants the rogue the title "Mastermind"
Infamous Charm At the beginning of combat, choose whether you want to
  • Taunt every enemy for 2 turns unless they succeed a Wisdom 24 check.
  • Distract every enemy for 2 turns unless they succeed a Wisdom 24 check.
Legendary Wits Your starting Wits in combat are now 3 or 6 with Initiative Bonus.



The Assassin focuses one swiftly and discretely taking down single targets before they even know what happened.

Feature # Trait Description
1 Ambush If your target is not currently in active combat and not aware of your presence, your first attack against it will always be critical with Opportunity Damage, assuming you hit.
2 Gushing Wounds If your target can bleed, each of your attacks will add two stacks of bleeding to it.
3 Salted Wounds The bleeding Damage cap of enemies hit by you is increased to 12.
4 Muffled Knife Your first hit on an ambushed target silences it for 3 turns, unless it succeeds a Willpower 20 check.


The Thief specializes on Infiltration and theft. Usually leaving no traces behind.

Feature # Trait Description
1 Make-do-Magic The Thief becomes capable of using the Illusion school of magic. He can cast one grade 1, 2 and 3 spell each once per day. He can freely cast Prestidigitation like normal. He can use any one handed weapon as a focus.
2 Thief's Insight You become specialized in Perception and Investigation checks
3 Advanced Magic Allows you to also gain the ability to cast one grade 4 and one grade 5 spell once per day. Additionally, "Disguise" is now considered a grade 0 spell and can be cast freely.
4 Grand Acting Allows you to also gain the ability to cast one grade 8 spell per day.


The Gambler is all about getting lucky, continously trying over and over again and trying to shift the odds in his favour.

Feature # Trait Description
1 Pokerface You become specialized in Persuasion and Deception checks
2 Double Edged Odds The number needed to roll a critical success is reduced by one. Additionally, the number needed to roll a critical fail is increased by one.
3 Lucky hindsight Once per day outside of combat and once per combat, you can reroll a critical failure.
4 Oddly Wits This allows you to spend one Wits during combat to reroll a hit check or damage roll. It is instant, does not require any additional Actions, and can be done multiple times per turn. You can always choose the better result.


The Manipulator focuses on controlling the people around him to obey him without even noticing.

Feature # Trait Description
1 Pokerface You become specialized in Persuasion and Deception checks
2 Pokersoul Even when magically charmed or forced to tell a secret, you will be able to lie.
3 Identifying Weaknesses During combat, you can use your Preparation to examine the enemies weaknesses. For every Preparation you spent like this your critical hits require one less on the hit check. This effect resets when combat ends.
4 Critical Miss When attacked by an enemy directly while next to another enemy, you can use your Preparation to redirect the attack to that enemy instead.