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[[Category:Schools of Magic]]

Latest revision as of 00:36, 30 March 2024

A school of magic focused on the manipulation of time streams. People proficient in this school spent years of research learning how to find and identify these streams, reading them, and bending them to their desire.

One of the very first tasks every disciple will have to complete before being taught any actual magic is to find their own stream of time, a trial not many will ever see through. While some will find it within weeks, others search half their lives. Until they actually find it, they are only taught how to do that potentially.

While it is theoretically possible to still learn temporal magic by yourself, it is generally rather pointless even to study this school without access to your own stream, especially considering that it is forbidden in pretty much any kingdom to manipulate any time streams other than your own or of people that consent with you doing it.

The Spellbody of the Temporal Magic is "Tem"

List of Spells

Grade Name Description Spell-Word Casting time Range Duration Focus Voice Meditate Focusing Heavy
2 Reverse Time Rewinds time of one of your attuned Timestreams by 6 seconds. Will restore the timestream's creatures hitpoints and resources back to the amount 6 seconds (1 round) ago. Status effects applied within that time will be removed. The target will also forget anything that happened within the last 6 seconds. Temikaga Spell-Action 20 Meter None No No No No No
4 Accelerate Time Skips 18 seconds of one of your attuned Timestreams. If the target has damaging status effects applied or is standing in a damaging area, it will take damage equal to spending 3 Turns with these effects. Status effects that would run out within that time will only do as much damage as they have turns left. Afterwards the status effects remaining durations will be reduced by 3 turns. If the target has any buffing effects going on, their remaining duration will be reduced by 3 turns. Bilatem Spell-Action 20 Meter None Yes Yes No No Yes
4 Halt Time Temporary halts any Timestreams of your choice that you are attuned to as long as you keep focusing on this spell. The targets will not take any damage from status effects, but their duration will also not decrease. Buffing spells will also not reduce their remaining duration. If any of your targets take damage by any other source, you have to succeed in a Willpower check equal to the damage taken. On success, the damage will be nullified. On a fail, you will lose focus on the spell and won't be able to cast this spell again until the end of combat (or for another 10 minutes if losing focus outside of combat) Tem Spell-Action 20 Meter 10 Minutes Yes Yes Yes No No
1 Find Stream Finds the Timestream of an entity nearby. Required to attune to a Timestream. Lortem Spell-Action Touch None No No No No No
1 Identify Stream Identifies the owner of a found Timestream. Votem Spell-Action 20 Meter None Yes Yes Yes No No
1 Attune to Stream Attunes yourself to a found Timestream. This is neccessary to manipulate it. Pikotem Spell-Action Self Until next full rest Yes Yes No No No